We can’t underestimate that feeling when you walk out of the salon after having your done. There is power in a good hair day, with benefits that reach far beyond our appearance. Many factors influence the condition of our hair, and although it is impossible to control all of them, our Birmingham hairdressers have identified three of the easiest ways to improve the quality of your hair.
1 – Build a hair routine
We hear the word ‘routine’ and are automatically put off. The thought, of yet another, beauty burden definitely does not sound appealing to most. But it’s a lot simpler than you think. It doesn’t have to involve spending hours craned over the bath, with a mountain of products, instead it’s really about:
Understanding your hair type
What sort of hair do you have? Is it, fine, thick, oily or frizzy? Knowing your hair type is the key to mastering what sort of products and techniques will work best for you. Our professionals at James Bushell will be more than happy to provide the insight you need.

However, it’s important to note, our hair type can change. Time of year, pregnancy, and age are few, of many, reasons for this. It’s always worthwhile to review your hair every so often.
What are your must-haves?
Our Birmingham hairdressers can’t stress enough the importance of having the right products. Our Stylists at James Bushell Salons recommend the following:
- Shampoo & Conditioner (Suitable for your hair type)
- Heat Protectant (Cream/Spray)
- Micro fibre towel
- A good quality hairdryer
- Styling Product (Spray, Gel, Mousse)
- Paddle Brush
- And if you’re feeling extra fancy a Hair Mask Treatment is a nice addition to give you that salon feel.
When it comes to hair products it is definitely about quality over quantity. Don’t be afraid to research, test, and invest. Eventually you will find the products that work best for you and slot them, seamlessly, into your haircare routine.

When it comes to hair products it is definitely about quality over quantity. Don’t be afraid to research, test, and invest. Eventually you will find the products that work best for you and slot them, seamlessly, into your haircare routine.
How frequently do you wash your hair? 2-3 times per week is generally enough. But you’ve got to take a flexible approach and, obey your hair, as it isn’t ‘one size fits all’. If your hair tends to get oily, popping in an extra wash day may beneficial.
Tip from our birmingham hair salon: Remember to only wash when you need to. Over washing your hair can be equally harmful as not washing it enough.
2 – Let those split ends go
Most of us have a love hate relationship with scissors. The attachment to our locks makes it daunting to even let an inch go. Although the reality is, those split ends are hindering the growth and health of your hair.
Is there another alternative?
No matter how many new conditioners you buy, or apply, they may only reduce the appearance of split ends. As sad as it is there is no other solution besides the chop. But don’t panic, as you can trim in stages if you’d like to maintain your length.

How do I prevent split ends?
As tedious as they can be, split ends will occur naturally and are an inevitable part of our hair cycle. However there are a few ways to prevent them.
• Regular Trims – Every 2/3 months
• Avoid harsh chemical treatments such as perms, over colouring
• Try and keep heat usage to a minimum
3 – The ‘Hair’ Diet
Despite the endless inventions, and products, nutrition plays a vital role in our follicles. A diet enriched with vitamins, omega-3, and protein will provide the best substance for your hair.
Substituting a take-away for a home-cooked meal, or your morning coffee with a healthy smoothie, are two easy ways to obtain nutrients. Smoothies are especially great, as it’s a simple way to pack in a load of fruits and veggies.
Foods that will do wonders for your hair
• Salmon (Omega 3 and Protein)
• Peanuts (Hair growth stimulant
• Berries ( Vitamin C)
• Avocado (Antioxidants and Vitamin E)
• Greek Yoghurt (Protein)
Tip: Finding a suitable hair, skin, and nails supplement is also a great way to deliver the specific vitamins for optimum hair growth and health.
Haircare is constantly changing and evolving but sticking to these 3 staple rules will help, to sustain your hair, and keep those good hair days coming. Even with the implementation, of all the above, regular trips to our salons are essential to unlocking your full hair potential.
Here at James Bushell Hair we have been delivering expert hair care for over 10 years. Our team of stylists provide the expertise and tailored advice that will make your hair goals reality. To keep up to date with the latest trends and hair products follow us on Instagram @jamesbushellhair