
5 minutes with Creative Stylist James Campion

How did you get into your hairdressing career?


It all started with work experience when i was 15. It was a last minute thing as i hadn’t organised anything, but i knew i wanted to do something creative so my mom suggested hairdressing. I fell in love instantly which was quickly followed by a Saturday job.


What’s the best thing about being a hairdresser?


There is no better feeling than making someone feel and look happy and it has a good social aspect, in and outside of the salon. I’m always meeting new people from all different walks of life.


What’s the best advice you would give to your clients?


Your hair is the crown you’ll never take off so make sure you look after it and treat it properly with Kerastase products.


How would you describe your hairdressing style?


Technical. If there is a problem, there is always a solution and with all the training that I have received over the years, I will always find a way to solve your problem.


What is your favourite meal?


Anything meat related. Steak.


Who are your icons?


For hair it is Bill Watson – He’s the reason I want to better myself at my job. I would love to be as knowledgeable as him one day.



Sofa or Gym?


Sofa. I do enough running around at work by the time I finish I just want to sit down and relax with a cup of tea.


What is your favourite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?



I get up, get the chores out of the way and then spend the rest of the day relaxing and taking it as it comes, no plans other then to just go with the flow. Also I love Game of Thrones.